Of glares and stares..

June 24, 2008

It just takes two young men to pose in all their brawn to remind you that glares, the not-too-distant cousins of the Sunnies from Australia and the Peeper Hiders of New Jersey were back in vogue and how! Right from the upscale malls thronged by your neighbour's son and his cronies to those crowded suburban markets you would hate to be spotted in, there is just one thing that adorns everyone with unfailing accuracy, and you know what I'm talking about.The Pradas, Armanis, Boss Hugo Bosses, Valentinos or Oakleys and for those who love high style but live on real-world budgets, the Prados, Harmanis, Hoss Bugo Hosses, Valentines or the Gokhleys..In case you sell any of these, business must be at its bludgeoning best!

In contrast to their poor cousins,the normal glasses, rarely worn without a practical purpose (curiously,as they can project an image of uncool nerdiness that sunglasses do not), sunglasses portray an apparent cool image which basically explains wearing sunglasses by night or when indoors.

In fact, while I was on the metro the other day, I happened to strain my ears on a rather interesting conversation between two friends.Apparently, one of them had bought one of those Prados and while the two were busy admiring the beauty of the stunner, what really made me stand up and move to their end of the bogie was the myriad ways in which they planned to exploit those mirrorshades.From whatever I could gather, these men were good, no, really good and they surely did wake me up!

For starters, just wearing sunglasses to show that you were a fashionista yourself is passe. Sunglasses were always a safe bet when you wanted to sleep off those boring lectures! If your heartiest desire was to be an Ozzy, a John Lennon or a Mick Jagger of the future, Teashades were all you needed.And, just in case you had a bust-up with an adversary the night before, dont worry, the oversized kind would see you through that lunch with your parents. People may also wear sunglasses to veil your bloodshot eyes a certain tell-all about your activities of the 'other' kind.In case you were an integral part of those circles wherein being shady or/and showing detachment was admired, 'shades' was the way to go.
Boy! The Devil sure wore Prada! (or was it Prado?)


2 Wisecracks!:

Achint said...

not bludgening...

Unknown said...

haha... pretty decent to say the least... no sarcasm (seriously!!)
keep it up.. bt from the next time try making it a bit more mainstream


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