High and not-so dry!

August 24, 2008

Always be drunk.
That's it!
The great imperative!
In order not to feel
Time's horrid fardel
bruise your shoulders,
grinding you into the earth,
Get drunk and stay that way.
On what?
On wine, poetry, virtue, whatever.
But get drunk.
And if you sometimes happen to wake up
on the porches of a palace,
in the green grass of a ditch,
in the dismal loneliness of your own room,
your drunkenness gone or disappearing,
ask the wind,
the wave,
the star,
the bird,
the clock,
ask everything that flees,
everything that groans
or rolls
or sings,
everything that speaks,
ask what time it is;
and the wind,
the wave,
the star,
the bird,
the clock
will answer you:
"Time to get drunk!
Don't be martyred slaves of Time,
GET drunk!
STAY drunk!
On WINE, virtue, poetry, whatever!


7 Wisecracks!:

Goku said...

There was a time when i used to dream to get drunk one day like my elder bro and his friends...how ironic now i get DRUNK to dream..
Anywys BC Sutta na milla....

Aarushi Uboweja said...

"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown."
-TS Eliot

prez said...

machaoo vyakti..
Doggerel couldnt have taken a worse turn,you put ogden nash to shame..
linux,MATLAb kar ..another one of these and the blog is reported. :P

Saksham Agarwal said...

@ Goku
Wow! I wouldlike to know more about that! lol!

Saksham Agarwal said...

@ Aarushi
Can you please translate that into simpler words for me? Seriously! :)

Saksham Agarwal said...

@ Prez!
Hail thou presence, O superior O' mine! :D
Machaoopan aur main?
Well, you're one year ahead in that profession, aren't you?
And, yeah, where will you report my blog?
BTW, include me on the DCE Quiz Blog.
Vellaap maarna band karo, aur padhai karo! How hypocritical of me to have said that!

Goku said...



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