Might be coming a bit late for everyone's liking, but nevertheless, here it is..
If you noticed(I hope you did!), I recently changed the blog's name from "An Anamnesis" to "Vertical Vertigo". The reason behind this was that I wanted to stick to what the wise men say- "Change is the essence of life"!
Bah! Not really..
Its because I thought this title was more apt and more suited to the blog and besides, it sounds cooler too! :P
While "An Anamnesis" literally means "a recollection, a reminiscence of the past", I realised that my blog wasn't going to be a lot about my past. It might contain a post here and there, about how certain events that occurred in the past affected my present or even my future, but I firmly believe that what you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now. We need not destroy the past. It is gone.
R.I.P "An Anamnesis".
So yeah..
Vertical Vertigo..
Vertigo, contrary to popular belief of ignorant people like me, you and almost everyone around, is NOT the fear of heights! The term vertigo refers to the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is stationary with respect to the surroundings.
Don't worry, its not a disease, and its far from being a syndrome too, its just a feeling! Now what I feel is that each one of us experiences a vertigo(No, I'm not talking about the medical jargon!) sometime or the other in life. There are times you're just left wavering, in your thoughts, in your actions, in your decisions and in almost everything. Your head might be spinning because of the circumstances you're in or you might be left swaying your way to a far-away land while wondering why you did something you did. Its also possible that you may not realise that its a vertigo that you were experiencing, but you might just, sometime, when you try to reflect upon your past. Here, I probably gave "vertigo" a whole new meaning!
For me, its quite different, I feel like I'm in the midst of this constant effervescent vertigo always. That is probably why "Vertigo" is the second word that comes before you when you view my blog.
Now for the "Vertical" part. Be it my love for mountains, the want of being perched at the vertex or highest point at all times or my physical characteristics, I guess "vertical" is a part of me, in a way which I may not be able to justify.
Ha! So thats how "Vertical Vertigo" was born.
Leave behind all that binds you, banish all your fears, dispel all darkness and advance to a better tomorrow! Say goodbye to gravity.. Take a leap!
Keep visiting, folks!
Why "Vertical Vertigo" ?
July 13, 2008
Categories: My idiosyncratic life, Randomness, Weird Connotations
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4 Wisecracks!:
ya rite..vertigo is not the fear of heights..it is a "falling sensation"..who cares if its a fall from a height,deep thought,character, or from within one's self..and what i make of the ubiquitous vertical before ur blogs, is the outright eclecticism of ur thoughts congrous with the person u r.
Waoh! that was one hell of a philosophical crap i guess!! spare me guyz.
"and what i make of the ubiquitous vertical before ur blogs, is the outright eclecticism of ur thoughts congrous with the person u r."
Looks like you know me too 'well'. I would like to tell you one more thing about me though- I don't care if someone just comments for the heck of it(only here, with due respect).
Spare me Goku!
Well I only translated and accentuated the true synopsis of that post..even then u think i posted jus for the friggin heck of it!!..i won't buy that.
well i was jus xplorin out stuff here n there.happen to came down to"vertical vertigo"... initially i found it really absurd but den i found it...interestin n impressive to knw d funda...n d article too.....
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